Thursday, November 23, 2006

Article sites we love you

by Mike Cain

I love article sites! Why? Because you can write articles about your chosen subject, publish them for free and you reap all the rewards. You get to voice you opinion on your chosen subject area. Becoming a web author is fun. There is a great feeling associated when you search for your own name and Google brings up your articles.

What are the rewards?

Well most good article sites will allow you to leave a short bio which is perfect for adding a link back to your site. So you can get free exposure and people can republish your article if you make this clear, which means even more links spread across the internet. When you write articles make sure you focus the text around key words you are trying to target. If you used the keywords in the heading of the article this is more weight, if you haven't then add them. If you write a decent article and publish it on good quality article sites then in a few days you will see your article on Google when using those search terms. More and more people are reading peoples articles to find out information and the best companies to use etc. Many search terms only find relevant content in articles, and if you have clearly left your hyperlink going back to your website then is more weight to your web presence.

What are the best article sites?

The best quality article sites are the ones that Google likes. Article Alley is one of the more recognised sites, it has a network of sister sites and each article get published on all of the sites. Ezine Articles is another good site as is Isnare and Go articles. Some charge a small yearly fee but it is well worth it.

How do articles promote my site?

Articles promote your site because if your name is associated with a particular filed you will be seen as an authority on the subject. And if your article links back to your site then you will start to see more visitors. When Google gets a request to look for a key word it goes and finds the best sites with that content. So writing as many articles as you possibly can with links back to your website will help your web presence.

If you have a site and need some more content, using articles that are free to republish is a great way of adding more content. More quality content means more traffic, so hopefully more business. Article City is a great site which offers the option to republish their articles. So if you need content on fly fishing, search for articles on fly fishing, but make sure they state that they are free for republishing. As long as you know they are free to republish then you can add these articles to your site. Giving you more content and authority on your subject.

Anther great thing about article sites is that you can have your own voice on the internet. You may have a lot of information that other people would benefit from knowing. You might get told you talk too much, I know I have been told that. So now I find if I need to get something off my chest I write it down and publish it. Any points I want to make, I write an article and publish it. There is a great feeling in knowing that people are reading your words and hopefully benefiting from them.
Being a web author is fun, so get writing.

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