Tuesday, December 5, 2006

7 Steps To Becoming A Better Website Writer

You can become a better website writer simply by writing well, but I wish it was that simple. Writing is a realm, just as sports and science are realms. Now if you are a sports person, you could be playing any of the odd hundred sports that come to ones mind. In science too, if you are a scientist, you can be a physicist or a doctor or a technologist. Similarly in writing, there are different kinds of writers — some write fiction, some right non-fiction, some write horror and some are children's authors. Then there those who write course books, instructional content, etc. Similarly, to write for websites and blogs you got to be a bit "different" kind of writer: a writer who understands how a typical online reader reads and assimilates content. To cut to the chase, here are a few guidelines you can follow in order to become a better website writer.

Be a Website Writer that Converses With Her/His Readers

Talk to your reader when you are writing for websites. Always assume you're talking to this particular individual who is interested in knowing what you have to say to him or her. For instance: you can definitely be a better website writer by following these guidelines . Or for instance, I really hope you find my writing interesting.

Be a Website Writer that Says Less But Conveys More

There is so much information to consume on the Internet. I have RSS feeds from scores of resources and I have only limited time. I assume the same is the case with you. You normally read long text only if it is very compelling or you really need to learn something from it. A typical online reader is a fast reader who prefers shorter text. This not something behavioral — it's difficult to read text on the screen and we normally read almost 25% slower when we're reading through our monitors.

First Things First

Mention all the important things in the beginning whenever possible. Although to keep the interest alive you should hold some things back, but in the first para itself your reader should be able to make out what the page is about what he or she can expect from the page.

Use Headlines and Bullets Wherever You Can

When you use lots of headlines and bulleted text you make your web document more "scannable". This also enables you to express your thoughts more concisely and creatively. In headlines you can forego grammar and vocabulary and just concentrate on a few words that grab attention.

Use Smaller Paragraphs

Big paragraphs are hard to read and big chunks of texts on the screen seem very intimidating. Don't stretch your paragraphs beyond 2-3 sentences.

Use Descriptive Text in Hyperlinks

Instead of Click here to subscribe use Click here to subscribe or 5 ways to improve your vocabulary. This not only helps you put your keywords within the <a></a> tag ( a good thing from search engine optimization point of view) but also makes your links more descriptive.

Show Respect To Your Readers

Don't be too patronizing and don't make every page a for Dummies page. A prevalent perception among the online writers is that most online readers prefer very simple text. That's not the case. Keep your audience in your mind and then write about them. Be sincere, don't resort to hyperbolic claims and keep the interest of the reader at the top most level of your priority.

This is surely not a complete list but it more or less helps you make a good beginning.

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