Monday, March 19, 2007

Copywriting - Destroy Writer's Block Part 1

By Clark Beltron and Kirsten Fjordlake, Bahador Dillinger

It happens to all sooner or later... we sit there staring at a blank screen... and dreaded “copywriting block” hits ... grabs us by the throat & won't let go.

Suddenly, our creativity's gone ... our thoughts dry up, the finger's won't move... the screen remains blank. Copywriting Writer's Block has invaded full force. Oh poop.

Fear not... there are ways to resurrect your magical copywriting creativity again... quickly.

The first copywriting resurrection tool is the Self-Doubt Destroyer. It goes by a lot of other names too... procrastination destroyer, fear destroyer, paralysis destroyer... etc. Different names... same tool.... it rips away fear.

Self-Doubt, left to its own devices, will destroy your copywriting attempts... you'll soon be mumbling... “Why am I doing this... It's pretty clear my writing stinks”... “My parents were idiots to have me”... and all sorts of other whiperings calculated to keep you in a funk.

But you have a handy trusted ally in the Self-Doubt Destroyer tool... it'll have you writing again in merely minutes.

So, what is it? It's a tool so simple you'll want to slap your forehead.


Yes, that's all. Just let yourself be stupid...

You can now give yourself permission to be stupid. Begin by saying to yourself... “Let's see how how stupid my copywriting can be”... or “I'm going to show people the depths of my stupidity”... or “I will now begin writing stupidly & moronically!...

That's your goal now... To be king (or queen) of the idiots... to show people how stupid you can be. So...begin writing away, keeping in mind that stupid is fine.

Keep going.

You might notice along the way... that you're finding that your stress is dissolving, inner pressures are deflating and your personal angst (the bugger) is fleeing.

And, your copywriting is flowing. Woo hoo.

That happens when it doesn't matter whether you stink up the joint or not.

And, surprisingly... when you later look back over your newly created copywriting piece... you'll end saying “not bad”!...

It ended up better than you thought... now, just go back and review it... and edit out any writing or thoughts that are too out there.

That's it. You're done! Now... how hard was that?

After you're done, ramp up the word power of your newly created copy easily... just run it through a copywriting software called Glyphius... It'll point out weak sales words in your copy... so you can replace them with more powerful ones.

I use it all the time... and, in my opinion it's a word processor's best friend. And it's not only for writing copy... any writing that needs some “punch”... speeches, fiction, ads, screenplays & more... will benefit by being tweaked with this little “language polisher”.

I'm really high on it... and I recommend it for you...Glyphius.

For some freebie pointers on using this software, feel free to email me... I'll send you some quick & dirty tips... address is in the info box below...

A second copywriting tool is the Subject-Hater Destroyer... this tool works well where you have no flippin' interest in the damn thing you're supposed to be writing about.

Or, to put it another way... you hate your subject area. There's no question that that can be a powerful copywriting block)... and block you from moving forward.

Here's what to do if your subject matter leaves you cold... ”twist” around the subject you're copywriting on to find some joy.

For example, if it's copywriting on ice hockey, and the game absolutely makes you want to puke (sorry, hockey fans)... do the “twist”... talk about player's uniforms... or the rules of the game... the history of the ice hockey arenas... any aspect of the subject area that piques your interest.

You could even discuss all the variations of “pucking”. Tsk. Tsk

No.. no.. not what you're thinking... there's Wolfgang... there Robin Goodfellow... there's the Marvel Comics superhero... there's many ways to puck... google it for yourself. You could easily write a nice (& hugely interesting piece) on the word “puck” alone.

Anyway, you get the idea... by applying either of these two copywriting “tools”, you gain control of your copy— and writing becomes effortless again.

Okay... now just DO IT... Say Goodbye to Copywriting Block forever!...

P.S. Can't find Part 2 of “Destroy Writer's Block”? Go here =>

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© 2007 by Plenty of Change. All Rights Reserved.


Produced by the creative copywriting stable at Plenty of Change. Kirsten Fjordlake, Bahador Dillinger & Clark Beltron... For all your persuasive copy needs, visit

Article Source:

"How To Get Started With A Career In Copywriting"

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