Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Magic Words That SELL

By Sarah Belle

How do you write in a way that will attract customers?

By following these simple steps, you can make the most of your advertising dollars. Your next run of brochures, business cards, magnets, posters or promotional gadgets will generate more business when you use the right words.

The Golden Rule of business copywriting is to focus on the solution you provide for the customer’s problem. Too often - particularly in brochures and on websites - the first 3 or 4 pages are all about the company: the directors’ profiles, history of the business, mission statements and policies. This is not the key message, it is supporting information and should be treated as such.

The key message is solutions. Explain briefly and clearly that:

  • you understand the customer’s need
  • you have a solution
  • you can provide the solution quickly and simply

The power of words is even more important when you are printing small items such as fridge magnets, business cards and promotional products. You need to make a bold statement with only a few lines of text. The good news is, with a good graphic designer you will have already grabbed the attention of your customer. Now you just need words that sell.

Word arrangement:

The days of using jargon or flamboyant language to impress customers are over. You need to get your point across quickly and clearly.

Copy that sells is written in a logical order that leads the reader towards one action. Decide what the ONE thing is that you want the reader to do, and guide them there with your words. Eliminate any words or paragraphs that deviate from this goal.

There are usually 3 or 4 different ways to write the same sentence, so once you’ve got some words on paper, try rearranging every line. Can you use a shorter sentence to get the same point across?

If a sentence contains two or more ideas, it’s too long. Eliminate unnecessary words and keep an eye out for redundant phrases such as “past history” or “factual information” (when “facts” will do).

Magic words

The style you choose will dictate the kind of words you use. But there are some “magic” words that are proven to attract clients – and they work in almost any industry.


The golden rules of a sale are:

  • only have sales at specified times throughout the year (overuse of the word “sale” is deadly).
  • offer a genuine saving – don’t leave shoppers with that feeling of being mislead by the “sale” sign out front.
  • publicise the exact nature of the sale, including:
  • - how much will the customer save? (eg. 30% off)

    - to which products does the saving apply? (eg. “entire store”, “selected items”, “christmas stock” or “homewares department”).

    - for how long will the sale run?

FREE The magnetic power of this word explains why, in some situations, it is better to offer a small gift or add-on service rather than a discount.

  • Free gift
  • Free expert advice
  • Free demonstration
  • Free installation


  • Guaranteed same-day service
  • Guaranteed delivery within 48 hours
  • Lifetime guarantee
  • Service guaranteed
  • Guaranteed to… (insert solution!)

If the above examples sound familiar – they should! That’s because good copywriters use them all the time and they know it works.

Finishing strong

You’ve written your copy in a logical order that leads the reader towards one action. It’s time to specify WHAT ACTION you want the reader to take and WHAT'S IN IT FOR THEM. Research shows that more people will respond if you write in this way.

If your offer is limited, also specify WHEN they need to take action.


  • "Phone for your free consultation."
  • "Phone before (insert date) and receive a 10% discount."
  • "Visit our showroom for huge savings. Sale ends (insert date)."

Design Tip: Don't put all your contact details in large, bold text (phone, email, address, etc). Select the one contact method that best suits the ACTION required and make it really stand out. Put your other contact details in smaller text.

Sarah Belle is an experienced marketing consultant working in Sydney, Australia. She also operates SmartPiggy - http://clik.to/smartpiggy - a website full of easy-to-follow articles and tips on personal money management and wealth creation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Belle

"How To Get Started With A Career In Copywriting"

Freelance Copywriting: Don't Get Caught In The "Hourly Rate" Trap

By Angela Booth

Freelance copywriting is one of the most easy and lucrative ways to make money as a freelance writer.

Unfortunately there are some traps and pitfalls for the unwary. For example, many freelance copywriters get caught in the Hourly Rate Trap.

The Hourly Rate Trap is easily avoided, if you know the trap exists. Let's see the trap in operation.

You're hired to write a brochure. Easy peasy, right? The client asks your hourly rate, and you tell him that it's $75, and that it should take you five hours to complete. That's $375, and it's not bad. Not great, but not totally bad.

That deep clunking sound you hear behind you is the Hourly Rate Trap slamming shut.

You're now on the hook for $375.

Two weeks later, you realize that you've already spent fifteen hours on the project, and there's no end in sight. How did it happen?

Here's how:

* A visit to the client – one hour, plus two hours driving time, equals three hours;

* Calls to the client for information, and time spent searching for the information yourself, equals two hours;

* Writing time equals five hours;

* Discussions with the designer, who wants a minimalist theme. So you try to condense 600 words into 200 – two hours;

* Calls from the client, the client's office manager, the designer, the printer – two hours;

* Trip to the printer to check on client's new logo – one hour.

Grand total, a drum-roll please, is - FIFTEEN HOURS.

That's the Hourly Rate Trap in operation.

How to avoid the Hourly Rate Trap

Since you now know it exists, it's easy to avoid. Just add a rider to your writing agreement that your quote is an estimate only. All the time you spend working for the client on the project will be itemized, and will be payable on invoice. Then make sure you invoice at least once a week, no matter how long the project takes - keep adding up those hours!

You can avoid getting caught in freelance copywriting traps - Fab Freelance Writing at http://fabfreelancewriting.com/index.html shows you how. Read the free weekly ezine, and Angela Booth's new ebook Seven Days To Easy Money: Copywriting Success at http://abmagic.com/Copywriting/copywriting.html to develop a lucrative freelance copywriting career.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angela_Booth

"How To Get Started With A Career In Copywriting"

Friday, February 9, 2007

Top 12 World News Stories In 2006 – Recap Of What Happened Around The World

by Barry Allen

>From town criers to pigeon messengers; from tablets and scrolls to newspapers; from radio and TV coverage to news online the way news spreads throughout the world has changed with times. News updates people on whats happening and where it's happening, news shapes opinions and influences the lives of people. It is news that mobilizes help in times of natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

The year 2006 had varied hues some bright others grey. There was death, war, scandals, sports, and a few delights. What the top 10 stories of 2006 were would vary and depend on individual perspectives. It is after all a matter of choice.

1. The month of Jan saw Russia cutting off gas to the Ukraine; Iran stated that it would continue nuclear research; Iraq saw strife and death; Sharon suffered a stroke; US received threats from Osama and stepped up its fight against terrorism and targeted an al-Qaeda leader; results of Iraqi elections were declared. New treatment for cancer increased life expectancy; the Dow hit a milestone; and a spacecraft headed to Pluto.

2. February saw the Atomic energy Board report Iran to the UN; world wide protests occurred over cartoons of Muhammad that appeared in European newspapers; Harvard President resigned; mudslide buried a town in the Philippines; the Olympic Games began in Italy.

3. The month of March was when India and the US agreed on a nuclear pact; Iraq witnessed escalating violence; Milosevic died in prison; Saddam Hussein testified for the first time; the UN approved a New Human Rights Council; the US launched an offensive on Iraq; France was crippled by a nation wide labor strike; the security council issued a statement on Iran; and the Palestinian cabinet was sworn in. Scientists discovered water on Saturn's moon; General Motors and its union agreed on a buy-out and early retirement package to 113,000 unionized employees, and major league baseball decided to investigate seriously use of steroids.

4. April saw Chirac the French President sign a controversial labor legislation; Saddam Hussein is charged with Genocide; a general strike in Nepal against King Gyanendra; Prodi wins Italian Elections; Iran announces progress in nuclear program; a suicide bomber attacks a Tel Aviv Restaurant; Germany allows access to holocaust archives; the Chinese President visits the US; Serial bombing kills people in Egypt; European Investigation reveals Secret CIA Flights over Europe; and Peace agreement ends violence in Dafur. Scientists discovered a375 million year old fish fossil with early limb development signs establishing a link between aquatic and land forms; the FDA rejected medical use of Marijuana.

5. May was when Bolivia Nationalized the Natural gas Industry; Moussaoui a September 11 terrorist was sentenced to life; Israeli Parliament approved Governing Coalition; leaders in Sudan signed peace pact; Iranian President gives Bush a grievance letter ;US endorsed Palestinian AID; Un recommended closer of Guantanamo Prison; Bush and Blair admitted Mistakes on Iraq; US agreed to join Europe in talks with Iran. New England was flooded by record rain fall; Soda Companies agreed to remove sweetened sodas from schools; Enron executives were convicted; and Indonesian earth quake killed thousands and rendered thousands homeless.

6. June saw the UN urge greater action on AIDS; Canada arrested seventeen citizens on Terrorism charges; Iran was offered incentives to give up Nuclear program; an al-Qaeda leader was killed in Iraq; Hamas ended cease fire with Israel; Bush visited Iraq; Hussein defense lawyer was killed; Pentagon released a study on Interrogations. The FDA approved a vaccine for cervical cancer; Bill Gates decided to step aside; Art sales skyrocketed with a painting selling for USD 135 million; Warren Buffett donated 85% of his fortune to philanthropic organizations; and the mid-Atlantic regions endured the worst flooding in decades.

7. July saw death with many killed in Iraqi markets; North Korea test fired six missiles; violence intensified in Gaza; Nobel Peace Laureate became the Prime Minister of East Timor; India tested a long-range missile; Russia and China agree with the West on a Security Council Resolution against Iran; Hussein Trial ended; Congo held historic elections; NATO took command of Afghanistan. The former Enron chief died; Italy won its fourth world cup; hundreds died in a tsunami caused by an undersea earthquake in Indinesia.

8. August was a month of contrasts, Israel intensified ground offensive in Lebanon; the Ukrainian Parliament Approved a new Prime Minister; US general submitted a grim report on Iraq; Britain thwarted a huge terrorist plot; Iran ignored deadline to cease nuclear activities; record number of Iraqi civilians died. FDA approved the morning after pill; many died in Kentucky plane crash; Judge limits cigarette marketing ploys; Pluto is demoted and classified as a dwarf planet, and California adopted stringent emission laws.

9. September saw a steep rise in Iraqi casualties; Senior al-Qaeda leader Hamid al- Saeedi was captured in Iraq; Blair announced plans of stepping down ; Israel lifted air blockade of Lebanon; US Embassy in Syria was attacked; riots rocked Hungary; Assessment revealed that the Iraq war resulted in escalated Islamic radicalism; and Japan got a new Prime Minister. Shuttle makes lift off and 12 day mission; Pope's speech in Germany incited Muslim anger; and the CDC recommends broad HIV testing.

10. The month of October saw run off elections in Brazil; intensification of Palestinian violence; North Korea tested a nuclear device; the UN appointed a new Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon; Security council imposes sanctions on North Korea; Militas battle to gain control of Amarra; Iran believed to be enriching uranium; Pakistan military targets Islamic school near Afghan border; and Bush in a news conference discussed Iraq war openly. Google purchased YouTube a popular video website; Hawaii experiences severe earthquake; Dow closed higher than 12,000; NASA approved repair of Hubble.

11. November saw the Taiwanese President Accused of corruption; Saddam convicted as guilty and sentenced to death; Israel ended Gaza incursion; South Africa legalizes same sex marriage; Lebanese minister was assassinated; Nepal plans elections; and civilian deaths escalate in Iraq, reach record high. Storms ravage the Southeast states of the US and hundreds died in Philippines Typhoon.

12. December saw Hugo Chavez win in a landslide in Venezuela; crises in Iraq expected to escalate, violence peaks ; suicide bomb kills many in Baghdad; UN leader sworn in; Palestinian leader calls for early elections; fighting breaks out in Somalia; Israelis decided to build new west bank settlement; Saddam Hussein is executed ; and Gerald Ford died at age 93. NASA announced setting up of a base on the moon and the National Institute of Health revealed that circumcision could reduce risk of getting AIDS through heterosexual sex.

About the author

Barry Allen is a freelance writer for http://www.1888pressrelease.com , the premier website to Submit Free Press Release for any announcements including launching of new product or services, new website, announcing new hires, sponsoring a special event or seminar and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Article Submission Directory http://www.1888articles.com

Thursday, February 8, 2007

How To Get That Writing Habit

by Jovita N.Orais

One screenwriter once said " Don't go to writing school, they weed out the eccentric impulses within you.' He emphatically exhorts not to mimic what's celebrated but surpassing it.

Here are practical ways to get that writing habit:

1. Determined which are your most alert hours and put all them aside for writing. Plant yourself in front of your computer or your writing tools and spend as much time as you can there. If you miss a day, get back to work the next.

2. Carry a notebook at all times, anything might be material. Jot down initial inspirations; whatever excites your imagination.

3. Know you subject; don't skimp on the research.

4. Brush up on your grammar , vocabulary and spelling.

5. It's best to write the way you talk and think, don't strain for an effect.

6. Respect your readers. Snag their interest as quickly as possible preferably with the first sentence.

7. Spend time organizing your thoughts. Use sentences, paragraphs, chapters like building blocks.

8. Expand, cut, polish, write and rewrite as many times as necessary, then show your manuscript to a trusted friend for comments.

9. Read. Read the writers you admire and the kind of things you like to write-novels, non fiction, articles, short stories , poetry, movie or tv scripts.

10. Get to know other writers. Hang out with them if possible, trade problems, discuss solutions.

About the author

Jovita N. Orais is an avid researcher. She writes on various topics like self improvement, success, graphology, writing, ways to make money etc. Find out what 'ground floor opportunity' is and how taking advantage of it can increase your income, in the free downloadable e book at her blog http://www.articlesvariety.blogspot.com

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Really Easy Grammar – No. 39: Their His Pronoun Troubles

by Bill Moore

Everyone should be sure of the rules when they use an indefinite pronoun. Or, maybe, everyone should be sure of the rules when he uses an indefinite pronoun. Or else, when he or she uses. . . And that's the problem. For many years, the Mavens of Grammar have stated , unequivocally, that indefinite pronouns (that includes all the pronouns with "-one," "-body," and "-thing" at the end as well as "either," "neither," and "each") are always singular and, therefore must always be mated with singular definite pronouns like "he," "she," "his," and "hers" and never with the plural forms "they" or "their."

Take the sentence, "Everyone above the level of department manager has his own parking space." Simple enough. Meaning clear. Except that it indicates that everyone in the company is male. If that's true, fine, but what if it's not? How do you avoid incipient sexism when some of the managers are women? Grammar purists oversimplify it. They state, categorically: "Everyone"—meaning "every single one"—is singular, therefore, you use a singular pronoun. Since the "gender neutral" pronoun form is male; his, the correct construction is, "Everyone knows his place." That would be fine if it served the purpose of clear communication. But it doesn't, first of all because in this brave new century it would be hard to find many who would say that "he" is gender neutral—especially if you're writing about an all-girl baseball team. "On the girls' team, everyone knew his place," just sounds silly.

OK, then, the grammar purists will say, the way to avoid the problem is to avoid indefinite pronouns all together. Write instead, "All employees above the level of department manager have their own parking spaces." There. Problem solved. Except it isn't because the solution is based on a faulty premise. Who said that indefinite pronouns are always singular? There are those among us who believe that "everybody" indicates a large group of bodies, "all the bodies," rather than "every single body." Others of us will argue that "they" is just as good a gender neutral pronoun as "he." Who's to say? Well, you could check with Jane Austin, Will Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde, or the King James Bible just to name a few of the dozens who share this latter opinion.

In fact, the "singular their" construction goes back about 700 years and managed to co-exist with the "neuter masculine" construction for most of that time. Nobody seemed to be much concerned until late in the 1700's or early 1800's. That's when the "prescriptive" grammarians began to attack in earnest because "singular their" didn't fit with the "logic" of the Latin grammar they were forcing English into. So, it became bad grammar in the same arbitrary way that splitting infinitives and putting a preposition at the end of a phrase did.

The situation is getting a lot of attention currently. There are whole Web sites that address almost nothing else. Each of them contains definitive proof of the validity of its particular position. Unfortunately, the proofs from the various sites prove opposing opinions. And even though there's been considerable progress in the last decade or so in loosening the rule, there's been very little agreement on a standard usage. Teachers, editors, and proofreaders still disagree. Grammatical experts disagree among themselves. Noted literary figures disagree—sometimes even with themselves. So, the onus still falls on the writer (and as it's a particularly large onus, that can be pretty painful).

By the way, if you plan to take the "his/her" route, be careful. In formal writing, a lot of editors don't like this construction. Even in informal writing, it can be taken as either laziness or lack of a clear understanding of grammar. If you have to go this way, at least use "his or her." It's still a waffle, but it shows that the reader has a choice. And please don't use "his and her." That only makes sense if you intend to indicate that there are two people.

Sorry to have to say this, but if you've read this far hoping I'd give you a definitive solution to the problem, you're going to be disappointed. I don't know the answer either, but I'll tell you how I handle it. I do what the situation calls for. If the writing assignment is for someone who insists on strict adherence to "correct" usage, I use a singular pronoun—male or female as the sense of the sentence calls for—with an indefinite pronoun. If I'm writing for someone who wants the copy to read more like the way people speak, I use a plural form where it fits and a singular masculine or feminine pronoun where it makes the most sense. When I can get away with it, I avoid the problem and use a plural construction. When you're writing for others to read, whether for pleasure or profit, it becomes a situation where everyone has to decide which course to take for (his, her, their, his/her, his or her) self (selves).

About the author

Bill Moore is the author of Write Rite Right. This compendium of homophones, homonyms, and frequently misapplied words is a necessary resource for anyone who writes for others to read. (Available on backoftheroom.com, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com) Visit his Website, http://www.WriteRiteRight.com for more information on words and writing. Bill is a freelance trainer, researcher, and technical writer with over 30 years professional experience. To discuss writing services, contact him at bill_moore@WriteRiteRight.com

"Playing the Piano Is Just Too Hard... I Give Up!"

by Shamir Poojara

Do you know the number one reason why people who want to learn an
instrument fail miserably? There actually two reasons.

One, because they haven't got the patience. Two, because they think
one has to practice hours to get really good at it.

Nonsense! That statement couldn't be further than the truth. In
reality, you could get away with practicing a little bit everyday -
and REALLY achieving results, as oppose to tiring yourself to death
each day trying to play that one song or piece.

Why as that? It's simple. Our minds absorb things at a much quicker
rate when we learn in small chunks. If we break things down, then
we learn then quicker.

And secondly, doing the same thing ALL day will send you to boredom
valley in no time. Sooner or later, you'll WANT to quit because of
all the exhaustion. Now I don't know about you, but I certainly think
that's the wrong way of trying to achieve something. Especially
when you want to dive in the creative realm of music.

Don't tire yourself out all day trying to achieve something when
all you need is a mere break. Don't beat yourself up over it. Do a
little bit everyday; I promise you'll see results.

About the author

If you want to start playing the piano like a pro in weeks and not years, then you owe it to yourself to check this out. www.LearnThePianoToday.com>

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Web Content Writing – Why Y =?WINDOWS-1252?Q?ou_Need_It, _Why_Outsource_It?=

by Emmanuel Barrios

Everyone knows that a website is essential, especially now that most companies are already expanding their business onto the World Wide Web. But a website alone, no matter how much graphics, music, or videos you put into it, will not generate business by itself. You must not forget that your website represents your company on the Internet. People want to see what your company is all about and what it has to offer. To achieve this, what you need is excellent quality and relevant content that stands out from your competitors.

A lot of people – when explaining what makes a good site – will often say that "Content is King", but a lot of webmasters don't take this seriously enough. There are still quite a few websites out there that have no original content or are just plain boring. I have actually seen some business sites that have a lot of flashy videos and graphics, biographies of the top echelon executives, and some pictures of their products. That's it! And what makes it worse is that they expect to do a lot of business with that kind of content. These people don't seem to realize that quality content does more than just keep your visitors interested; it can do wonders in promoting your website and generate a lot of traffic from your target audience.

So how do you get good content for your website? The cheapest method by far is writing the content yourself. But while this may seem like a good idea at first, later on you'll find out that it gets more and more difficult. Researching, writing and compiling content for the Web can become a daunting task, and of course you cannot devote all your time to it. Your company's website serves a combination of roles, such as sales, storefront, delivery system, technical and customer support, to name a few. Managing and generating quality content for all of these can be overwhelming, indeed.

This is one of the major factors why outsourcing website content has already become the norm for countless companies. Generating content for the web is not like writing for print media. Website content development fuses typical writing skills along with search engine optimization. Search engines have algorithms for ranking your website, so if you want to get a high ranking, your site needs quality content; it's that simple. A strategic understanding of how the search engines work and how to write content that is specifically targeted to use the Web to its fullest potential is just one of the many specializations that an outsourcing company can do for you.

Web content generation services can be easily outsourced, which adds significant value to your project. Outsourcing companies have reputable website content providers who are experienced at writing specifically for the Web. Your company can benefit from a diverse network of writing talent with different styles, insights and experience. Furthermore, it's usual for these companies to hire and utilize writers that are specifically suited to your needs. For example, if a website requires medical content, a writing team composed of medical practitioners as well as researchers and editors may be assigned to your project. The cost-cutting advantages can be enormous. You don't have to set aside company time and assets for training, research and development of your website's content.

Lots and lots of companies – from Fortune 500 corporations to small mom-and-pop shops – have already started to reap the benefits of outsourcing their web content. You can save time, money, energy and assets that can be used for other projects. Plus you'll have the peace of mind and confidence that comes from knowing that you have experienced specialists working for you. Don't let your company be left behind. With the right tools and high-quality content, your company can compete with the best of them on the World Wide Web.

About the author

Chiun Masters works as a contributing author to www.HelpWeNeedGifts.com, as well as other website companies, in addition to following his other interests in blogging, gaming, and comedy. Being a great gift giver has always been important to him and he enjoys finding new ideas for the above site.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Looking For Good Copywriter Books?

If you are looking for copywriter books, youâ ll want to devote some time to reading. In fact, if you plan to look online for your copy writer resources, you might as well just devote your life to reading! There are so many books that are available for you to purchase. Sure, there are standard things that each book will probably include. And, like the vast amount of diets out there, copywriter books are just as versatile and, unfortunately, misleading.

Now, before you get frustrated with that, letâ s clarify that there are many thousands of different copywriter books available. Some do have very good points, business tips, and offer a great amount of help. But, letâ s get realistic when it comes to the outrageous claims of making millions as a freelance copy writer just from reading a book. Like those fad diets, there are those that like to fluff the quality of their material incredibly. The key is to find the good stuff, pull it out, and use it wisely.

Letâ s think about that analogy about diets claiming fantastic results again. We all know that tried and true diet of eating healthy, well balanced meals and getting in a good amount of exercise is going to result in weight loss, right? The same goes for these books claiming fantastic results. If you want a freelance career as a copy writer that makes you millions, youâ ll need to work for it, from the beginning.

There is no easy way to make a career as a proof reader or copy writer unless you build strong, good relationships with your clients from the beginning. Sure, you can find copywriter books that can give you great tips on how to get out there, how to present yourself, and how to make your business work, but in the end, if your work is not of good quality, you can forget the whole thing. Do not be discouraged away from purchasing these books though. They can provide you with an outstanding amount of useful information. Just donâ t set your goals so high that you canâ t see the first step of the ladder!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Copywriter Rates, Getting The Facts Beforehand

Have you ever had the experience of hiring a freelance copy writer only to find that the project takes longer than expected, or that the fees they offered are â flexibleâ in the wrong way for you to benefit. There is no doubt that copywriter rates differ greatly from one to another. There is very little in the way of a standard rate especially when you are dealing with clients through the Internet. To ensure you donâ t get taken for a ride, you need to get your copywriter rates set and keep them that way.

No matter if you are just beginning a project or are half way through, the benefits of having a set contract are enormous. Not only can you save yourself quite costly fees, but you can also count on when the project will be complete, how much you will pay, and, in the end, what to expect. If you are looking for basic rates, then ask for them. Find the copy writer you want to do the work, give them some basic idea of what the project entails and then ask for a quote. Now, before you get your email going, remember to include the word â flatâ as in flat rate. By saying, â Here is my project, what is the flat rate you will charge?â you are eliminating the guess work.

Got the contract ready? That is the next most valuable tool you have to your computer. Having every detail spelled out, leaves little room for guess work. Dates, expectations, payment, and even revisions need to be included. Itâ s just a safe way to do business, no matter if you are the seller or the buyer. Copywriter rates that are flexible or based on a per hour rate are just too difficult to monitor. How will you monitor a per hour rate?

To find basic copywriter rates, you can browse through the listings of copy writers looking for work. There is a safe bet, here. You may want to steer clear of those asking for outrageous sums as they already have an inflated ego. You donâ t need that in your work. If they had such a great business going, do you really think they would have to advertise? As for the lowest prices out there, require samples and references before getting too deep. No matter what you do need in the rates for copywriting, you can find someone out there willing to work with you. Just get the guidelines set before the project begins.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

How To Make A Career Out Of Copyediting And Proofreading

Do you possess the qualities of a good proof reader? Are you good with details, spotting errors in spelling, grammar, and the flow of a piece and putting together quality work? If so, you may be able to make a career out of copyediting or proofreading. For those looking to get in to this field of copywriting, they may be stuck looking in if they do not know where or how to get established. So, is there a tried and tested method for getting your foot in the door? No matter how much any and all of us would like that; there is just no easy way to do so.

Of course, anyone looking into copyediting and proofreading can prepare themselves for the demands of the career. Training is often the most essential need. Quality training that is. For many freelance is the way to go. One slip of the finger and you could have cost yourself a good proof reading job. No matter if you get your training through online courses or go to a standard college, youâ ll need to ensure that your goals remain the same. These should be quality training, dedicated work, and responsibility. For many, starting with freelance is the best way to go. In the field, copy editing and copy writing is growing in demand for quality trained employees. For others, working under other proof readers is the best first step.

It all comes down to getting that first break. When you do, it is solely up to you to make it count for all it is worth. If you have the qualities that are needed to build a career in copyediting or proofreading, you can begin work for clients online. There are several websites that are able to provide you with a connection to the clients you need. From there, it only takes one person to get moving in the right direction. Youâ ll find if you do a quality job the first time out, you can guarantee your services to be recommended time and time again. Or, you may even want to get in touch with a proof reader needing help. Then, you can develop your skills, work out any glitches and learn how to get your own clients. In the end, youâ ll find that the answer to your how to questions is just to try!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

19 secrets to making your ad copy more effective

The sales letter is the key; the sales letter is the key - echoes through the Internet marketing mountains.

Ad copy, sales copy, sales letter, copywriting or whatever you want to call it â " the goal is the same for every Internet marketing business.

Get the traffic and convert the hits into cash. And how do you do just that? With an effective sales letter.

Let's find out how to make your sales letter more effective.

1. Create a "teeth-pulling" headline. We live in a headline society. Ignore this fact, and you lose. With the overload of information, people don't have the time to stop at every webpage and read it. Instead, they use the headlines to direct their attention. If your headline doesn't pull them to your sales letter, they may just pass by your information and off they go to your competitor.

In your headline, do something for the reader. Tell them how to solve a problem, ask them a question that will peak their interest, give them what they want, pull them by their "teeth" and tell them to sit down and read. Instead of saying: "Increase Your Profits," say something like: "How to increase your profits for a whole 50% in the next month," or "How would you like to see your profits increase for a whole 50% in the following month?"

2. Include a picture of yourself in your sales copy. That will show people that you're not hiding behind your website and you're not afraid to back up your claims.

3. Introduce yourself before you start the body of your sales letter. That way when you make a statement with an "I" people won't be scratching their heads saying: "Who in the world is this person telling me all this stuff?"

4. Make your ad copy an article or a report of some sort. Educate them or inform them of something related to the product you're selling. Majority of the people don't go online to spend money but to read free information. When your ad copy sounds like an article, they will not ignore it. That's because they will not get the feeling that you're trying to sell them something. At least not at the beginning. Your job will then be to slowly lead them to your sales link.

5. Be focused and talk to only one person with your sales letter. You and I. Just like when having a conversation. Have you noticed that I'm only talking to you right now and not a group of people?

6. Make sure that the ad copy is "YOU" oriented and not full of "I's, me's, my's." Unfortunately, your potential customer has absolutely no interest in you nor your business or service. They don't care for you. Instead, he or she is preoccupied entirely with his or her own needs, wants, wishes, interests and so on. Concentrate on telling them what's in it for them and not you.

7. No copy is long copy. It could only get boring. You visitor will read until he or she gets bored. So, don't worry about the length of your ad copy. Keep it interesting at all times. It helps to ask someone to read it for you. How do you make it interesting? As long as you're greatly focused on your potential customer, they will be reading.

8. Have fun with the paragraphs. Don't write massive letters with no breaks in between. Make one paragraph with one sentence, next one with 2 or 3 and so on. And keep the sentences short and to the point. Having massive paragraphs with run-on sentences discourages people from reading.

9. Make the sales copy "scanable." When people arrive at your page they usually scroll down and back up before they start reading. Along this "scanning" process, they will stop at everything that gets their attention. How do you make a page scanable?

Do anything that will break the monotony. Have various different sub-headlines indicating what each section in your ad copy is all about. Highlight certain lines, make them bold, include bullet points, and so on.

10. Make your sales copy friendly. How do you do that? Don't forget what separates amateur from a professional. You don't have to be perfect, but there's no reason for you to be sloppy either. What kind of a feeling do you get when you see clutter and how do you feel when you see a well organized page?

Provide a lot of white space. A white background with black lettering would be sufficient. Organize your page, align your text and images so when your visitor arrives, he or she feels comfortable and has a good feeling about it.

11. The only job of your sales copy is to sell and not impress. Keeping it as simple as possible will do you more good than trying to impress them with your design. Anything that you include in your sales letter and adds absolutely no value to the sales process, will only distract your visitors and break their concentration. You lost the sale.

12. People buy benefits. Your job with the ad copy is to tell your visitors what benefits they will get when they buy your product. More benefits, better the chances to make the sale. Organize the benefits so they're easily noticeable. So, if your visitors decide to just scan your page and not read it, they will at least see the benefits and maybe stop to read them.

13. Include a guarantee statement. That will increase the integrity. People will trust you more when you tell them that you guarantee your product, and that will deliver the benefits - or their money back.

14. Don't mention the price until the last quarter of your letter. And even then, make it sound that it will be their investment and not an expense. Tell them what they're investing in â " the benefits - when they purchase your product.

15. Try to include some bonuses with the purchase and place them right after you talk about the price. That way, people will see that they're getting even more value with the purchase and it will also distract them from the negative thoughts they may have after seeing the price.

16. Include testimonials all throughout the letter. How do you get testimonials before you make a single sale? Simply, give your product for free to a certain number of people and have them tell you how they feel about it. If they have their own website, tell them that you will include their website in your sales letter if they write you a nice testimonial. The testimonials are good for people who cannot make up their mind whether to buy your product or not. When they see what other people are saying, they will have more belief.

17. Make a call for action. This is a "must." Tell them what you want them to do. "Click here to buy", "Download the book here", "Click here to download the software", "Click here for an instant download", and so on.

18. Include a PS at the very bottom. Almost everyone reads the PS statements. In your one, two, three, or however many PS statements you want to add, make your last call for action by either promising something or telling them that your offer may expire soon. That's your last chance to get them to buy your product. So, be creative with your PS statements.

19. Test everything. Make few versions of your ad copy, put them on a separate page and gather the results from each. Test different headlines, organize it differently, write a few versions of the body of your ad copy, etc. Whichever gives you the best results - keep it, and dump the others.