Thursday, February 8, 2007

How To Get That Writing Habit

by Jovita N.Orais

One screenwriter once said " Don't go to writing school, they weed out the eccentric impulses within you.' He emphatically exhorts not to mimic what's celebrated but surpassing it.

Here are practical ways to get that writing habit:

1. Determined which are your most alert hours and put all them aside for writing. Plant yourself in front of your computer or your writing tools and spend as much time as you can there. If you miss a day, get back to work the next.

2. Carry a notebook at all times, anything might be material. Jot down initial inspirations; whatever excites your imagination.

3. Know you subject; don't skimp on the research.

4. Brush up on your grammar , vocabulary and spelling.

5. It's best to write the way you talk and think, don't strain for an effect.

6. Respect your readers. Snag their interest as quickly as possible preferably with the first sentence.

7. Spend time organizing your thoughts. Use sentences, paragraphs, chapters like building blocks.

8. Expand, cut, polish, write and rewrite as many times as necessary, then show your manuscript to a trusted friend for comments.

9. Read. Read the writers you admire and the kind of things you like to write-novels, non fiction, articles, short stories , poetry, movie or tv scripts.

10. Get to know other writers. Hang out with them if possible, trade problems, discuss solutions.

About the author

Jovita N. Orais is an avid researcher. She writes on various topics like self improvement, success, graphology, writing, ways to make money etc. Find out what 'ground floor opportunity' is and how taking advantage of it can increase your income, in the free downloadable e book at her blog

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