Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Magic Words That SELL

By Sarah Belle

How do you write in a way that will attract customers?

By following these simple steps, you can make the most of your advertising dollars. Your next run of brochures, business cards, magnets, posters or promotional gadgets will generate more business when you use the right words.

The Golden Rule of business copywriting is to focus on the solution you provide for the customer’s problem. Too often - particularly in brochures and on websites - the first 3 or 4 pages are all about the company: the directors’ profiles, history of the business, mission statements and policies. This is not the key message, it is supporting information and should be treated as such.

The key message is solutions. Explain briefly and clearly that:

  • you understand the customer’s need
  • you have a solution
  • you can provide the solution quickly and simply

The power of words is even more important when you are printing small items such as fridge magnets, business cards and promotional products. You need to make a bold statement with only a few lines of text. The good news is, with a good graphic designer you will have already grabbed the attention of your customer. Now you just need words that sell.

Word arrangement:

The days of using jargon or flamboyant language to impress customers are over. You need to get your point across quickly and clearly.

Copy that sells is written in a logical order that leads the reader towards one action. Decide what the ONE thing is that you want the reader to do, and guide them there with your words. Eliminate any words or paragraphs that deviate from this goal.

There are usually 3 or 4 different ways to write the same sentence, so once you’ve got some words on paper, try rearranging every line. Can you use a shorter sentence to get the same point across?

If a sentence contains two or more ideas, it’s too long. Eliminate unnecessary words and keep an eye out for redundant phrases such as “past history” or “factual information” (when “facts” will do).

Magic words

The style you choose will dictate the kind of words you use. But there are some “magic” words that are proven to attract clients – and they work in almost any industry.


The golden rules of a sale are:

  • only have sales at specified times throughout the year (overuse of the word “sale” is deadly).
  • offer a genuine saving – don’t leave shoppers with that feeling of being mislead by the “sale” sign out front.
  • publicise the exact nature of the sale, including:
  • - how much will the customer save? (eg. 30% off)

    - to which products does the saving apply? (eg. “entire store”, “selected items”, “christmas stock” or “homewares department”).

    - for how long will the sale run?

FREE The magnetic power of this word explains why, in some situations, it is better to offer a small gift or add-on service rather than a discount.

  • Free gift
  • Free expert advice
  • Free demonstration
  • Free installation


  • Guaranteed same-day service
  • Guaranteed delivery within 48 hours
  • Lifetime guarantee
  • Service guaranteed
  • Guaranteed to… (insert solution!)

If the above examples sound familiar – they should! That’s because good copywriters use them all the time and they know it works.

Finishing strong

You’ve written your copy in a logical order that leads the reader towards one action. It’s time to specify WHAT ACTION you want the reader to take and WHAT'S IN IT FOR THEM. Research shows that more people will respond if you write in this way.

If your offer is limited, also specify WHEN they need to take action.


  • "Phone for your free consultation."
  • "Phone before (insert date) and receive a 10% discount."
  • "Visit our showroom for huge savings. Sale ends (insert date)."

Design Tip: Don't put all your contact details in large, bold text (phone, email, address, etc). Select the one contact method that best suits the ACTION required and make it really stand out. Put your other contact details in smaller text.

Sarah Belle is an experienced marketing consultant working in Sydney, Australia. She also operates SmartPiggy - http://clik.to/smartpiggy - a website full of easy-to-follow articles and tips on personal money management and wealth creation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Belle

"How To Get Started With A Career In Copywriting"

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