Friday, February 9, 2007

Top 12 World News Stories In 2006 – Recap Of What Happened Around The World

by Barry Allen

>From town criers to pigeon messengers; from tablets and scrolls to newspapers; from radio and TV coverage to news online the way news spreads throughout the world has changed with times. News updates people on whats happening and where it's happening, news shapes opinions and influences the lives of people. It is news that mobilizes help in times of natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

The year 2006 had varied hues some bright others grey. There was death, war, scandals, sports, and a few delights. What the top 10 stories of 2006 were would vary and depend on individual perspectives. It is after all a matter of choice.

1. The month of Jan saw Russia cutting off gas to the Ukraine; Iran stated that it would continue nuclear research; Iraq saw strife and death; Sharon suffered a stroke; US received threats from Osama and stepped up its fight against terrorism and targeted an al-Qaeda leader; results of Iraqi elections were declared. New treatment for cancer increased life expectancy; the Dow hit a milestone; and a spacecraft headed to Pluto.

2. February saw the Atomic energy Board report Iran to the UN; world wide protests occurred over cartoons of Muhammad that appeared in European newspapers; Harvard President resigned; mudslide buried a town in the Philippines; the Olympic Games began in Italy.

3. The month of March was when India and the US agreed on a nuclear pact; Iraq witnessed escalating violence; Milosevic died in prison; Saddam Hussein testified for the first time; the UN approved a New Human Rights Council; the US launched an offensive on Iraq; France was crippled by a nation wide labor strike; the security council issued a statement on Iran; and the Palestinian cabinet was sworn in. Scientists discovered water on Saturn's moon; General Motors and its union agreed on a buy-out and early retirement package to 113,000 unionized employees, and major league baseball decided to investigate seriously use of steroids.

4. April saw Chirac the French President sign a controversial labor legislation; Saddam Hussein is charged with Genocide; a general strike in Nepal against King Gyanendra; Prodi wins Italian Elections; Iran announces progress in nuclear program; a suicide bomber attacks a Tel Aviv Restaurant; Germany allows access to holocaust archives; the Chinese President visits the US; Serial bombing kills people in Egypt; European Investigation reveals Secret CIA Flights over Europe; and Peace agreement ends violence in Dafur. Scientists discovered a375 million year old fish fossil with early limb development signs establishing a link between aquatic and land forms; the FDA rejected medical use of Marijuana.

5. May was when Bolivia Nationalized the Natural gas Industry; Moussaoui a September 11 terrorist was sentenced to life; Israeli Parliament approved Governing Coalition; leaders in Sudan signed peace pact; Iranian President gives Bush a grievance letter ;US endorsed Palestinian AID; Un recommended closer of Guantanamo Prison; Bush and Blair admitted Mistakes on Iraq; US agreed to join Europe in talks with Iran. New England was flooded by record rain fall; Soda Companies agreed to remove sweetened sodas from schools; Enron executives were convicted; and Indonesian earth quake killed thousands and rendered thousands homeless.

6. June saw the UN urge greater action on AIDS; Canada arrested seventeen citizens on Terrorism charges; Iran was offered incentives to give up Nuclear program; an al-Qaeda leader was killed in Iraq; Hamas ended cease fire with Israel; Bush visited Iraq; Hussein defense lawyer was killed; Pentagon released a study on Interrogations. The FDA approved a vaccine for cervical cancer; Bill Gates decided to step aside; Art sales skyrocketed with a painting selling for USD 135 million; Warren Buffett donated 85% of his fortune to philanthropic organizations; and the mid-Atlantic regions endured the worst flooding in decades.

7. July saw death with many killed in Iraqi markets; North Korea test fired six missiles; violence intensified in Gaza; Nobel Peace Laureate became the Prime Minister of East Timor; India tested a long-range missile; Russia and China agree with the West on a Security Council Resolution against Iran; Hussein Trial ended; Congo held historic elections; NATO took command of Afghanistan. The former Enron chief died; Italy won its fourth world cup; hundreds died in a tsunami caused by an undersea earthquake in Indinesia.

8. August was a month of contrasts, Israel intensified ground offensive in Lebanon; the Ukrainian Parliament Approved a new Prime Minister; US general submitted a grim report on Iraq; Britain thwarted a huge terrorist plot; Iran ignored deadline to cease nuclear activities; record number of Iraqi civilians died. FDA approved the morning after pill; many died in Kentucky plane crash; Judge limits cigarette marketing ploys; Pluto is demoted and classified as a dwarf planet, and California adopted stringent emission laws.

9. September saw a steep rise in Iraqi casualties; Senior al-Qaeda leader Hamid al- Saeedi was captured in Iraq; Blair announced plans of stepping down ; Israel lifted air blockade of Lebanon; US Embassy in Syria was attacked; riots rocked Hungary; Assessment revealed that the Iraq war resulted in escalated Islamic radicalism; and Japan got a new Prime Minister. Shuttle makes lift off and 12 day mission; Pope's speech in Germany incited Muslim anger; and the CDC recommends broad HIV testing.

10. The month of October saw run off elections in Brazil; intensification of Palestinian violence; North Korea tested a nuclear device; the UN appointed a new Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon; Security council imposes sanctions on North Korea; Militas battle to gain control of Amarra; Iran believed to be enriching uranium; Pakistan military targets Islamic school near Afghan border; and Bush in a news conference discussed Iraq war openly. Google purchased YouTube a popular video website; Hawaii experiences severe earthquake; Dow closed higher than 12,000; NASA approved repair of Hubble.

11. November saw the Taiwanese President Accused of corruption; Saddam convicted as guilty and sentenced to death; Israel ended Gaza incursion; South Africa legalizes same sex marriage; Lebanese minister was assassinated; Nepal plans elections; and civilian deaths escalate in Iraq, reach record high. Storms ravage the Southeast states of the US and hundreds died in Philippines Typhoon.

12. December saw Hugo Chavez win in a landslide in Venezuela; crises in Iraq expected to escalate, violence peaks ; suicide bomb kills many in Baghdad; UN leader sworn in; Palestinian leader calls for early elections; fighting breaks out in Somalia; Israelis decided to build new west bank settlement; Saddam Hussein is executed ; and Gerald Ford died at age 93. NASA announced setting up of a base on the moon and the National Institute of Health revealed that circumcision could reduce risk of getting AIDS through heterosexual sex.

About the author

Barry Allen is a freelance writer for , the premier website to Submit Free Press Release for any announcements including launching of new product or services, new website, announcing new hires, sponsoring a special event or seminar and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Article Submission Directory

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